Channel: GRDSv8 – Records Connect
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PAPG June 2016 meeting


Lets Talk

We had a great turnout for the second Public Authority Practitioner Group (PAPG) meeting for 2016, held on Tuesday 7 June. There was a strong attendance with 27 public authorities represented. Highlights included…

QSA update

  • Appointment – Josephine Marsh has been appointed to the permanent position of Director of Government Recordkeeping at Queensland State Archives.
  • Source Records Policy – The policy is being drafted for future consultation, with guidelines to provide implementation advice.
  • GRDS v8 Update – The next version of the General Retention and Disposal Schedule (GRDS) is being finalised. A number of changes have been flagged such as the incorporation of the Transitory Records and Short Term Retention and Disposal Schedule into the revised GRDS. QSA is endeavouring to release the new version August/September 2016.
  • Guest bloggers – Here is your chance to be published. QSA would like to hear from people who are willing to be guest bloggers on QSA’s Records Connect. For further information, contact Government Recordkeeping by email rkqueries@archives.qld.gov.au.

Copyright and QSA collection

QSA discussed some copyright basics including duration of copyright and copyright owners in the QSA collection. Also discussed were potential amendments to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), creative commons licensing and determining Restricted Access Periods.

GRDS numbering

One item that generated some discussion was the numbering pattern in disposal schedules. From previous feedback we have received, we acknowledge that agencies desire a system that isn’t subject to change and can meet foreseeable future requirements.  Further information about GRDS numbering will be coming soon!

Queensland Government Chief Information Office (QGCIO)

QGCIO presented at the meeting giving an introduction to their role and provided an update on some of the hot topics in information management including:

Other agenda items

Other agenda items discussed at the meeting included cloud sharing applications and email attachments, changes to the QSA website, and the new PAPG meeting venue.

If you would like to share your thoughts or would like more information about what was discussed at PAPG, or you would like to provide ideas for future agenda items, you can contact us via email, telephone (07) 3037 6630, blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Flickr.

Andrea Metcalf

Senior Policy Officer

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