Computer area, Treasury Building, Brisbane, June 1965 – Digital ID: 21835
Welcome to the sixth blog in the series about the GRDSv8. The GRDS has gone out for whole-of-government consultation and we are blogging about some of the changes you may have noticed from GRDSv7.
Check out the hardware! Where can I get my hands on one of those? Oh, the sound of the dot matrix printer! We might have been working in the IT dark ages (well 2003) in GRK until very recently but that’s no excuse. We now have the opportunity to upgrade…I mean update the GRDS.
Information Management is one of the functions in the GRDS that has not been reviewed for a long time. Since the release of the first GRDS in 1997, technology has come along in leaps and bounds and the world is a very different place and we haven’t been keeping up with the changes – well the GRDS hasn’t.
What have we done
We have merged the Publication function and parts of Technology & Telecommunications into Information Management.
In this new-fangled 21st century function, we have:
- Control – master control records are now primary control records and this class now includes case file registers. A new record class has also been added for estrays
- Copyright administration – has moved out on its own. It waved goodbye to the activity of Intellectual Property (which has moved to Legal Services (blog coming soon))
- Data administration – Application Development has grown up and has a new name
- Preservation – previously called Conservation, the record classes are now more relevant to the records being created
- Privacy administration – previously just called Privacy, these classes have been rolled-up and slimmed down
- Publication – this was previously its own function, but it has now come back to Information Management (where it was once upon a time, in a GRDS far, far away)
- Right to Information – previously called Compliance, these classes have been rolled-up and depending on the feedback you provide, they might roll-up some more
- Security – is now simplified, all the record classes had the same retention period so we rolled them into one.
What we need from you
Do the scope notes make sense to you?
Are we missing any ‘see’ references?
Do you think the retention periods are too short, too long or just right?
Are there any record classes we have missed?
Are we being a bit too ambitious and agencies are just not quite there yet?
You have until Friday 26th February 2016 to provide your feedback on the GRDSv8.
Remember, you can contact us at any time via email, telephone, blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Flickr.
Elizabeth Harvey
Appraisal Archivist